Advice # 2. Wait to cash in all savings bonds at age 23
Can't find a job...What’s a girl to do?
Miss Responsible (again that’s me) opted for the “best option” Why not go back to school? I had so much fun the first time? How hard can it be? How the HELL am I going to pay for it?
Graduate School
I decided to take my “career” to the next level and apply to graduate school. When applying to the Sport Management program I focused on my interests and what I wanted to learn, who did I think I was? This time around I needed to be more practical if I ever want to get a job. My mom thought I should apply to medical school, “Doctors always have money, just become a doctor” clearly she is unfamiliar with the process, the one that does not begin with a BS in Sport Management. So I focused on something I was already (slightly) good at, communicating.
The Job Associated with (aka paying for) Graduate School
So after being accepted into the program I needed to find a way to pay for this education crap. So, I interviewed for a graduate assistant position, how hard could this be? Well frankly, being a graduate assistant is HELL.
“Reason why being a Grad Assistant SUCKS” #1: A salary of $9000 a year.
To break that down for you, that is approximately, $ 788.67 (duh of course we pay city taxes) a month, for only ten months.
$ 788.76- hmm, how far can this go?
-$ 94.20- God damn smart phone!
-$187.23- Freakin’ ACS student loan corp.
-$151.67- Get off my back Citibank
-$ 68.98- My car is worth less than this monthly insurance
-$127.00- Really? I’ve always wanted to pay that much to ride SEPTA
So in total that leaves me $159.68 a month. Really, REALLY? So every month I have the internal battle with myself, to spend or not to spend? That is the question. My lack of incase of emergency cash is already slim so I might as well spend that money on things I love like…underwear, beer, guacamole and diet doctor pepper.
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