Advice #9 The Best Baby is the One You Return to the Parents at the End of the Day.
Yes babies are cute. They coo and laugh, they snuggle and hug, and they smile and grow. Babies also cry, spit up, poop, are always hungry and constantly require attention. As a lady, I know my ultimate purpose in life; I was put on this planet to make a baby. Okay maybe that is a little too conservative for everyone, but the truth is only our female bodies can do it, so we probably should. The real question is when?
Timing is Everything
There are a lot of reasons to have a baby while you are in your mid twenties, you are young, your body is healthy and you have a lot of energy. Having a baby at a young age also leaves plenty of time for more babies! But there are also plenty of reasons why you should not have a baby in your mid twenties.
- Babies are Expensive- Unless you have come across a large trust fund, there is no chance you can afford a baby and all of the costs associated with one at age 25.
- Babies Require Space to Grow- If you have a college education, chances are you have loans. If you have loans, chances are you can’t get afford a mortgage. What? Do you plan to raise a baby in your mom’s basement, or your leased apartment? I don’t think so.
- Your Body- Let’s be serious it took me 15 years to get some boobs I am not about to have them producing milk and sagging only ten years later.
- Your Bucket List- Yes, babies bring a lot of joy to your life but they also make a lot of things impossible. That trip to Italy you want to take before you die? Do you really risk your life and go sky diving after you have a child? Ponder that.
- Babysitters – A trip to the shore with you girlfriends…You and your man taking a couples vacation to the mountains…those were the days, once you have a baby, pick up and go trips are over, no more spontaneity.
Final Thoughts
So, please do not misunderstand me. I think babies are wonderful but there is a time and place for them. It is only fair to bring a baby up in the best possible situation, so sit back, pop your BC and enjoy life a little longer. Babies will still be cute when you’re ready for one!